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Dev Environment

Last updated: 26 Aug 2024

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As stereotypical as it is, my development machine really is a second home. I like it to be comfortable and efficient and have a bidet in every room.

Here’s my machine configuration, as well as my desk setup. For my mobile-specific environment, go here.


Across the board, I use the Ayu color scheme (usually β€˜mirage’) and Hack Nerd Font for my terminal and editor.


Alacritty terminal with Starship.rs displaying the contents of the spencer.town repository.

I use the Alacritty terminal emulator.

Shell: ZSH with starship prompt

Plugin management: zplug

Filesystem navigation: z , fzf , and color-ls

Multiplexer: tmux

For in-terminal editing, I use neovim with vim-plug to handle the following plugins:

Text Editor

When not in the terminal, I’m using VSCode .

Aside from basic language extensions, I use the following extensions heavily:


I use Homebrew to manage my system packages.


I’ve added all of the UNIX and GNU ports, since I prefer Linux utilities over the BSD ones that come with macOS.

Language Version Managment

For the more finicky languages (especially on macOS), I use the following version managers:

Node: n

Ruby: chruby with ruby-install

Python: pyenv


I use the following software on a daily basis:

Hardware πŸ’» Macbook Pro 16" M3 Max (2023) πŸ–₯️ Dell 27" Monitor πŸ”Š AudioEngine A2+ Speakers πŸ–±οΈ Logitech MX ERGO Trackball Mouse πŸ“· Logitech C920s Webcam πŸŽ™οΈ Blue Yeti Microphone ⌨️ KiiBOOM Phantom 81 v2 Keyboard 🀫 Zilent v2 78g switches πŸ†’ ePBT Cool Kids Keycaps πŸš₯ BenQ ScreenBar 🧍 Autonomous Eureka Standing Desk πŸͺ‘ Steelcase Buoy Chair 🦘 Kangaroo Anti-Fatigue Mat 🎧 Bose 700 Noise Canceling Headphones πŸ’‘ Logitech Litra Glow